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Cub Scouts Forms

Below are forms that are commonly used in the Boy Scout organization.
These forms may be downloaded in a .pdf format.
This means you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the files.
If the file you downloaded requires a password, please log into your Scout Society Account and email the webmaster for the password.

To download a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader please refer to the link below:

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Name Size File Name
Event Permission Paper 60 KB Permission Paper.pdf
2020 Annual Health & Medical Record Fillable (ABC Form) 339 KB 2020 Annual Health & Medical Record ABC.pdf
Tour Plan Fillable 828 KB Tour Plan.pdf

Name Size File Name
Tiger Requirements 28 KB Tiger.pdf
Bobcat Requirements 11 KB Bobcat.pdf
Wolf Requirements 29 KB Wolf.pdf
Bear Requirements 37 KB Bear.pdf
Webelos Requirements 196 KB Webelos.pdf
Arrow of Light Requirements 216 KB Arrow of Light.pdf